
where can i find the windows 7 iso md5 and sha1 hash? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.

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I have looked in a lot of places but it seems i can't find in microsoft site a detalied page with all the hash for all the wi开发者_JAVA技巧ndows 7 versions. Can anyone point me to the right page? Thanks.

If you are downloading these from MSDN, then you can find the SHA hash when you click the View link in the Details column in the Downloads area.

Microsoft have this information readily available to anyone downloading Windows from one of the official authorised areas. If you are getting the download images from somewhere else then the official SHA is going to be of no use to you, as it depnds on what the image is and how it is made. Tthe SHA hash is simply a fingerprint of that particular image and in no way validates or authenticates the contents as being whole and untampered with.





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