
Why is my Ctrl-key disabled in iTerm.app?

I'm trying to use the new iTerm app on my Snow Leopard Mac, but my Ctrl seems to be completely dead (as in non开发者_开发百科-responsive, as in nothing happens when I type Ctrl+a except for an outputed 'a') and I haven't found anything useful while googling. The closest match was this thread here on stackoverflow, but everything in Terminal.app works as it should.

And, even more strange - I can Ctrl+z myself out of applications, but I can't save files in Emacs (C-x C-s) or any other keyboard shortcuts that uses a Ctrl shortcut. And it's not local, since Ctrl is as broken on my iMac as it is on other unix computers I've sshed onto with iTerm. I've tried both in bash and zsh.

I've tried to remove all files concerning iTerm.app in my ~/Library/Application Support, and I've tried the very latest version (currently 13 h old) of iTerm I could lay my hands on, but to no avail.

Any ideas?

This seems to be an iTerm bug.

You can work around it by creating a key mapping in the profile settings. Add a mapping for ^x so it sends 0x18 (which is the encoded form of ctrl+x).

Why is my Ctrl-key disabled in iTerm.app?

I suggest to check this post to see if the ctrl key is enabled in your preferences


Did you try to configure key bindings for this terminal emulator as specified in the iTerm wiki:


at last, have you try set -o emacs or set -o vi?

If it works, set it in your ~/.bashrc to run it at login.





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取 消

