
How can I add multiple icons to an individual TreeView item?

I am trying to display multiple icons to the Treeview item but it is not displaying all the icons, it displays only one. I am using the following code:

CImageList m_imageState;
m_c开发者_如何转开发Tree.m_imageState.Create(16, 16, ILC_MASK, 0, 4);
m_cTree.m_imageState.Add(&bm, RGB(255,255,0));
m_cTree.m_imageState.Add(&bm2, RGB(255,0,255));
m_cTree.m_imageState.Add(&bm, RGB(255,255,0));
m_cTree.m_imageState.Add(&bm1, RGB(0,255,255));
m_cTree.SetImageList( &(m_cTree.m_imageState), TVSIL_NORMAL ); 

But when I see Treeview, item displays only one icon. Is it possible to display multiple icons with Treeview item?

Please suggest how can I do this.

Correct, only one icon will be displayed per item in a TreeView control. This is by design, a hard limitation of the native control that the MFC library wraps.

The only way you're going to be able to display multiple icons per item is owner drawing. It's a pretty difficult task for a TreeView control, not nearly as easy as owner drawing a button or a label control. Make sure that you really this need this functionality, and consider whether there's a better way of displaying the relevant information to your users.

Alternatively, you could create custom bitmaps that combine multiple images next to one another, and add those to your ImageList. The resulting images will be wider than they are tall, but the control doesn't care: it will display whatever size images you specify, as long as all the images in the image list have the same dimensions. This is definitely a hack, but it might work, depending on your needs.





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