How to update App.config using C#3.5 framework?
How to update in C#3.5 app.config file or Settings.settings file through C# code?
Please provide me the code related to C#3.5 framework support of classes but not with 2.0 framework classes in updating app.c开发者_Python百科onfig file.
I messed with this issue on a project, and decided depending on circumstance to just use a simple XML config file of my own. The problem is app.config has application level and user level settings for a specific reason. The Code Project article mentioned by others here can get you there, but seems like a lot of work to me.
Easy way, create an XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<path name="pathtofile1">
<path name="pathtofile2">
then use LINQ to get at a node:
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(pathToXmlfile);
var filePath1 = from c in doc.Descendants("path")
where (string)c.Attribute("name") == "pathtofile1"
select (string)c.Element("fullpath").Value;
string thePath = filePath1.First();
Of course you don't have the built in typing, but this is an easy, generic approach you can use in a lot of situations such as in dll classes.
Now that you are using a 'regular' xml file, you can use the techniques mentioned here to update it. For example and this blog does a nice job.
Possible solution: Changing App.config at Runtime
Please check out this code:
You have to load the web.congif first:
System.Configuration.Configuration config = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~");
Then you can modify or add it just like this:
if (config.AppSettings.Settings["YourTag"] == null)
config.AppSettings.Settings.Add("YourTag", "yourValue");
config.AppSettings.Settings["YourTag"].Value = "yourValue";
It's an XML file so you can use LINQ to XML to open the file
var appConfigPath = string.Format("{0}{1}.exe.config", Directory.GetCurrent(), Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName);
var appConfig = XDocument.Parse(appConfigPath);
//have at it
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("configuration/capabilities/single/add");// pass xpath of node
//node.Attributes[1].Value = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;
node.Attributes[1].Value = TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.MethodName;
Please write in main methods, it is working for me.