Clojure partition by filter
In Scala, the partition method splits a sequence into two separate sequences -- those for which the predicate is true and those for which it is false:
scala> List(1, 5, 2, 4, 6, 3, 7, 9, 0, 8).partition(_ % 2 == 0)
res1: (List[Int], List[Int]) = (List(2, 4, 6, 0, 8),List(1, 5, 3, 7, 9))
Note that the Scala implementation only traverses the sequence once.
In Clojure the partition-by
function splits the sequence into multiple sub-sequences, each the longest subset that either does or does not meet the predicate:
user=> (partition-by #(= 0 (rem % 2)) [1, 5, 2, 4, 6, 3, 7, 9, 0, 8])
((1 5) (2 4 6) (3 7 9) (0 8))
while the split-by
user=> (split-with #(= 0 (rem % 2)) 开发者_如何转开发[1, 5, 2, 4, 6, 3, 7, 9, 0, 8])
[() (1 5 2 4 6 3 7 9 0 8)]
Is there a built-in Clojure function that does the same thing as the Scala partition
I believe the function you are looking for is clojure.core/group-by. It returns a map of keys to lists of items in the original sequence for which the grouping function returns that key. If you use a true/false producing predicate, you will get the split that you are looking for.
user=> (group-by even? [1, 5, 2, 4, 6, 3, 7, 9, 0, 8])
{false [1 5 3 7 9], true [2 4 6 0 8]}
If you take a look at the implementation, it fulfills your requirement that it only use one pass. Plus, it uses transients under the hood so it should be faster than the other solutions posted thus far. One caveat is that you should be sure of the keys that your grouping function is producing. If it produces nil
instead of false
, then your map will list failing items under the nil key. If your grouping function produces non-nil values instead of true, then you could have passing values listed under multiple keys. Not a big problem, just be aware that you need to use a true/false producing predicate for your grouping function.
The nice thing about group-by
is that it is more general than just splitting a sequence into passing and failing items. You can easily use this function to group your sequence into as many categories as you need. Very useful and flexible. That is probably why group-by
is in clojure.core
instead of separate
Part of clojure.contrib.seq-utils:
user> (use '[clojure.contrib.seq-utils :only [separate]])
user> (separate even? [1, 5, 2, 4, 6, 3, 7, 9, 0, 8])
[(2 4 6 0 8) (1 5 3 7 9)]
Please note that the answers of Jürgen, Adrian and Mikera all traverse the input sequence twice.
(defn single-pass-separate
[pred coll]
(reduce (fn [[yes no] item]
(if (pred item)
[(conj yes item) no]
[yes (conj no item)]))
[[] []]
A single pass can only be eager. Lazy has to be two pass plus weakly holding onto the head.
Edit: lazy-single-pass-separate
is possible but hard to understand. And in fact, I believe this is slower then a simple second pass. But I haven't checked that.
(defn lazy-single-pass-separate
[pred coll]
(let [coll (atom coll)
yes (atom clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY)
no (atom clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY)
fill-queue (fn [q]
(while (zero? (count @q))
(locking coll
(when (zero? (count @q))
(when-let [s (seq @coll)]
(let [fst (first s)]
(if (pred fst)
(swap! yes conj fst)
(swap! no conj fst))
(swap! coll rest)))))))
queue (fn queue [q]
(fill-queue q)
(when (pos? (count @q))
(let [item (peek @q)]
(swap! q pop)
(cons item (queue q))))))]
[(queue yes) (queue no)]))
This is as lazy as you can get:
user=> (let [[y n] (lazy-single-pass-separate even? (report-seq))] (def yes y) (def no n))
user=> (first yes)
user=> (second no)
user=> (second yes)
Looking at the above, I'd say "go eager" or "go two pass."
It's not hard to write something that does the trick:
(defn partition-2 [pred coll]
(partial filter pred)
(partial filter (complement pred)))
(partition-2 even? (range 10))
=> [(0 2 4 6 8) (1 3 5 7 9)]
Maybe see - whether it traverses the sequence twice depends on what you mean by "traverse the sequence".
Edit: Now that I'm not on my phone, I guess it's silly to link instead of paste:
(defn separate
[pred coll]
(let [coll (map (fn [x]
[x (pred x)])
(vec (map #(map first (% second coll))
[filter remove]))))