
Desktop application in Java [closed]

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I am new to Java and want to create a Desktop application in Java. This application Reads and Writes different files.

Would someone please recomend me, what do i need for that and should I purchase a book or something else.


create a Desktop application in Java

Learn Swing/awt/JFX.

This application Reads and Writes different files.

Learn File Operation in java

I suggest using NetBeans IDE and follow its tutorials. Its the easiest way to develop a Java Deskotp Application with a GUI.

Head First Java is a nice textbook. It gets you up and running very fast and it's even fun to read *gasp*

After completing the basics and if you happen to use Eclipse IDE, hava a look at Google's WindowBuilder Pro. It is an Eclipse Plugin for quickly developing Swing Interfaces.

In Java, most graphical interfaces are created using a framework called Swing. I suggest you take a look at Oracle's Swing tutorial in order to get you easily started.





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