Set Height of First ListBoxItem as difference of the other Items in WP7
i need to show a list of item in a ListBox from the bottom in WP7. So in case i have some items that the height sum of them is < of ListBox Height i need to have a blank item at the top with the difference of the Height.
I have to do this because i set the ItemSource of Listbox, so i cannot know what is the right height of all items before load them.
In Item_loaded event of every Item i save the height and at the last i need to set the Height of the First.
<ListBox x:Name="ConvListBox" Margin="0,0,-12,0" >
<ListBox.ItemTemplate >
<DataTemplate >
<StackPanel Name="BaloonMessage" Margin="3,0,0,0" Loaded="Baloon_Loaded" Tag="{Binding IsSentMsg}" >
<TextBlock Name="SMSText" Text="{Binding SMSText}" Margin="7,3,8,35" TextWrapping="Wrap" Height="Auto" Width="Auto" FontSize="22" Foreground="White"/>
I set the ItemsSource and add a blank item at top, and a blank at bottom:
ObservableCollection<ClassMessaggio> messaggi =
new ConversazioneViewModel(MessaggioConversazione).Conversazione;
ClassMessaggio FirstLineScrollMessage = new ClassMessaggio();
FirstLineScrollMess开发者_运维知识库age.IsSentMsg = "3";
messaggi.Insert(0, FirstLineScrollMessage);
ClassMessaggio LastLineScrollMessage = new ClassMessaggio();
LastLineScrollMessage.IsSentMsg = "2";
messaggi.Insert(messaggi.Count, LastLineScrollMessage);
this.ConvListBox.ItemsSource = messaggi;
And at Item_Loaded i'm trying this:
var Panel = (StackPanel) sender;
if (Panel != null)
Grid grid = (Grid)Panel.Parent;
Border baloon = (Border)Panel.FindName("Baloon");
baloon.Width = grid.Width - 100;
if (Panel.Tag.ToString() == "3")
TotalBaloonsHeight = 0;
baloon.Background = grid.Background;
baloon.Name = "FirstScrollBaloon";
else if (Panel.Tag.ToString() == "2")
baloon.Height = 2;
Panel.Height = 2;
grid.Height = 2;
Border FirstBaloon = (Border)ConvListBox.FindName("FirstScrollBaloon");
if (FirstBaloon != null)
FirstBaloon.Height = ConvListBox.Height - TotalBaloonsHeight;
TotalBaloonsHeight = TotalBaloonsHeight + baloon.Height;
My problem is that this line return me always null :(
Border FirstBaloon = (Border)ConvListBox.FindName("FirstScrollBaloon");
I hope is clear, sorry for my english.
Ok this should work:
var Baloons = LayoutRoot.GetVisualDescendants().OfType<Border>();
foreach (var FirstBaloon in Baloons)
if (FirstBaloon != null)
if (FirstBaloon.Name == "FirstScrollBaloon")
FirstBaloon.Height = ConvListBox.ActualHeight - TotalBaloonsHeight;
You can get to the first ListBoxItem using this code:
ListBoxItem item0 = ConvListBox.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(0) as ListBoxItem;
From there you can modify it's Height, etc.
Thanks, Stefan Wick - Microsoft Silverlight