Specify JAXB Packages in SLSB and JAX-WS
I am creating a simple SOAP web service using a SLSB and JAX-WS annotations. The objects I would like to pass are JAXB generated from OGC schemas, thanks for the OGC project at java.net. One particular method I am having trouble with (which causes the deployment to fail) is a situation where a field (eventTime) of the request object (GetResult) is in a different package than the request object. The ObjectFactory for this type is different and there is a problem when marshalling/unmarshalling.
A subset of the errors I'm getting:
There's no ObjectFactory with an @XmlElementDecl for the element
this problem is related to the following location:
at protected javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement
at net.opengis.sos.v_1_0_0.GetResult$EventTime
at protected java.util.List
at net.opengis.sos.v_1_0_0.GetResult
at public net.opengis.sos.v_1_0_0.GetResult
at net.opengis.sos.v_1_0_0.ObjectFactory
In 开发者_运维问答a standard SE application, when I initialize the JAXBContext like below, everything works well.
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance("net.opengis.sos.v_1_0_0:net.opengis.sensorml.v_1_0_1:net.opengis.sos.v_1_0_0.filter.v_1_1_0");
How do I set the JAXB packages in the JAX-WS context?
My app server/environment is GF 3.1.
Thanks for the help!
I got it working with @UsesJAXBContext - had a little trouble at first because NB 6.9 and 7.0b wanted to link the com.sun.internal.* versions of the UsesJAXBContext and related, which of course isn't what JAX-WS RI is looking for. Once I fixed these, and added the dependency to jaxws-rt, version 2.2.3, everything worked great.
@WebService(serviceName = "SOS")//, targetNamespace = "http://www.opengis.net/sos/1.0")
@UsesJAXBContext(value = SosServices.SosJaxbContext.class)
//@XmlSeeAlso({net.opengis.sos.v_1_0_0.filter.v_1_1_0.ObjectFactory.class, net.opengis.sensorml.v_1_0_1.ObjectFactory.class})
public class SosServices {
@WebMethod(operationName = "GetResult")
public GetResultResponse getResult(GetResult request) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public static class SosJaxbContext implements JAXBContextFactory {
public JAXBRIContext createJAXBContext(SEIModel sei,
List<Class> classesToBind, List<TypeReference> typeReferences)
throws JAXBException {
List<Class> classList = new ArrayList<Class>();
List<TypeReference> refList = new ArrayList<TypeReference>();
refList.add(new TypeReference(new QName("http://www.opengis.net/ogc", "temporalOps"), TemporalOpsType.class));
return JAXBRIContext.newInstance(classList.toArray(new Class[classList.size()]),
refList, null, sei.getTargetNamespace(), false, null);
Thanks to Aleksei Valikov on the ogc (java.net project) mailing list to the pointer to @UsesJAXBContext!