
Do you know any free social network software? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.

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I am going to start a project in which I want to develop a private social network that will be accessed by mobile devices. To do that, I will use a framework called Mobilis which helps in the development of services for real time collaboration. This service has a server which communicates to with an arbitrary underlyin开发者_开发问答g social network server. I have searched for social networks and found many different products and I can't test all of them. I would like to know if you had experience with any of these products, I am looking for a service with these properties:

  1. Free (no need to pay for it)
  2. API to make remote calls from a Java server
  3. It would be very nice if I didn't need to deploy on my own server, if I could use theirs

The features I need from the service are the basic ones:

  1. Add someone to your "friends"
  2. Send message
  3. Some "group" our "forum" like interaction

So, did you do something similar to it and could advice what to use or what not to use?

Thanks, Oscar

Have you checked out something like Eureka Streams? I don't know all of its capabilities, but it is free (and open source), and, from the website, it looks like it has everything you're looking for. (The only thing I am unsure about is the API to make remote calls from a Java server.)





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