
Multiple insertion in mysql tables

i am facing a problem in inserting into mysql tables. I have 3 related tables to insert on save, but I want to make sure that either all of the queries are run, or none of them. I have done this in C#, but I want to know how i can do i开发者_如何学Got in PHP.

In order to have a all or nothing behavior, you'll want to use a transaction :

  • start the transaction
  • do your queries
  • if all queries have been executed successfully, commit
  • else, rollback.

In PHP, if working with PDO, you'll want to use the PDO::beginTransaction(), PDO::commit() and PDO::rollback() methods.

If working with MySQLi, you'll want to use mysqli::commit() and mysqli::rollback() -- after having disabled autocommit with mysqli::autocommit().

To detect if a query has failed, you'll want to :

  • With PDO, use PDO::setAttribute() so exceptions are thrown when an error occurs.
  • With MySQLi, mysqli::query() returns false if a query fails.




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