
Two barcode quantities in one barcode

I am working on reading a barcode containing two barcodes from a scanner that provides the UPC barcode and a 开发者_运维问答quantity purchased in a single barcode. The barcode scanner is a USB emulating a keyboard (typical out of the box configuration). I cannot use pre and/or post characters to differentiate the barcodes. The scanner provides a return key after each of the two codes. When I scan to Notepad, I get the UPC code, a return character, the quantity and another return character.

I am coding in C# using Visual Studio 2010 Pro. I have tried using a textbox that accepts returns and setting it to multiline but I only get the UPC code. I have found no way thus far to capture the quantity amount as well. HELP!!!

Is your goal to get the codes into a text box, or is your goal to capture the codes and use them in a program somehow? If it's the latter, you probably want to make your own widget that accepts key events, and then getting the return characters should come naturally.





验证码 换一张
取 消

