
Weird Spaces After PHP Generated HTML

I have a weird issue. I have a dynamic website www.lamanscanada.com it appears fine in firefox and safari and almost perfect in IE7. But it appears that on certain php generated html. There is a bunch of space added after the function output. I also user mod_rewrite for nice SEO urls just a note.

The function sorts an array of data into columns with bullets

//breaks array values into two columns
function groupBullets($array){
   //count the array items
   $bulletcount = count($array);
   //divides that in two and round the result 
   $roundhalf = round(($bulletcount/2));
   //initailize a counting variable
   //loop throught the array 
   foreach($array as $bullet){
       //if it is the first item 
           echo "<span class=\"container\">";//open the main container div
       echo "<span class=\"bullet\">&bull;&nbsp;$bullet</span>";//then create bullet
       //if the counter is at the half mark
           echo "</span>";//close the container
           $i=1;//and start the counter over
           $i++;//if开发者_StackOverflow not at half keep counting

//I am implementing it like this:
//this is my array it actually has a second level
$array = array(
        columngroup01("bullet 1","bullet 2","bullet 3","bullet 4"),
        columngroup02("bullet 1","bullet 2","bullet 3","bullet 4")

//I loop through this array
foreach($array as $column=>$arrayofbullets){
    echo "<div class=\"columncontainer\">".//open the div contains the columns
    "<div class=\"heading\">$column</div>";//print the title of the column
    //use the groupBullets function on each array of bullets
    echo "</div>";//close the column container

The <span class="features"> is not being closed at the end of the generated list of <span class="featureitem"> tags.

Current generated output:

<div class="infoblock">
    <div class="infoheading">features</div>
    <span class="features">
        <span class="featureitem">&bull;&nbsp;10'X6'X8' Aluminum Extrusion Structure</span>
        <span class="featureitem">&bull;&nbsp;R18 Insulated Panels</span>

Needs to be:

<div class="infoblock">
    <div class="infoheading">features</div>
    <span class="features">
        <span class="featureitem">&bull;&nbsp;10'X6'X8' Aluminum Extrusion Structure</span>
        <span class="featureitem">&bull;&nbsp;R18 Insulated Panels</span>




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