How to define ColdFusion functions with the access="remote" attribute using scripting?
The goal is to allow the definition of all functions of a .cfm or .cfc using scripting rather than CFML tags.
I would like to change this:
<cffunction name="foo" access="remote">
Into something like this:
function remote foo() {
Or something else, as long as it can be done within opening and closing cfscript tags.
Not possible in CF8, made possible in CF9:
access returnType function functionName(arg1Type arg1Name="defaultValue1" arg1Attribute="attributeValue...,arg2Type arg2Name="defaultValue2" arg2Attribute="attributeValue...,...) functionAttributeName="attributeValue" ... { body contents }
Defining components and functions in CFScript
So your function would look similar to:
remote function foo() {
You could also do:
function foo() access="remote" returntype="JSON" {