JavaScript jQuery Variables i should avoid using that conflicts with Global variables
What are JavaScript/jQuery variable names i开发者_如何学编程 should avoid creating that could conflict with already existing Global variables. Yesterday i discovered that i cannot use the variable default
. It must be a global variable.
is not a global variable: it is a reserved word (it's used in switch
You can find a list of reserved keywords on the MDC website.
Note also that there are various other names that you should be careful with. For instance, a variable named location
could conflict with the window.location
object unless you're careful. For this reason (among others), you should avoid global variables.
Other such variables are:
- and quite a few more.
default is one of the JavaScript reserved words (which is also the list of variables to avoid using). jQuery wise it is $ although you can use jQuery in no conflict mode.
default is a JavaScript keyword:
case a:
As for jQuery reserved words, check out this link (scroll down to the "Reserved Words" section)
These are JavaScript's reserved words:
- abstract
- boolean, break, byte
- case, catch, char, class, const, continue
- debugger, default, delete, do, double
- else, enum, export, extends
- false, final, finally, float, for, function
- goto
- if, implements, import, in, instanceof, int, interface
- long
- native, new, null
- package, private, protected, public
- return
- short, static, super, switch, synchronized
- this, throw, throws, transient, true, try, typeof
- var, volatile, void
- while, with
You should avoid naming you variables the same as that list.
I hope this helps.
is not a global variable, it's a reserved word in JavaScript.
If you are going to use global variables, you should namespace them.
Take a look at:
There's a special content of reserved words.
when building jQuery plugins, be aware that $.fn.init = function() could lead to problems and you should rather use another name for your function.