find special text from string in javascript
I have string like #ls/?folder_path=home/videos/
how i can find last text from string? this place is videos
other strings like
We could use a few more example strings, but based off of your one and only example, here's a rough regex to get you started:
Based on your extended examples:
This regex will consume text until the second to last /
and capture until the last /
in the string.
This will work even if the string doesn't end in / var str;
var re = /\w+(?=\/?$)/;
str = "#ls/?folder_path=home/videos/"
str.match(re) ; //# => videos
str = "#ls/?folder_path=home/videos/test/testt/"
str.match(re) ; //# => testt
str = "#ls/?folder_path=seff/test/home/videos/"
str.match(re) ; //# => videos
str = "#ls/?folder_path=home/videos/test/testt"
str.match(re) ; //# => testt
This regex will match all non /
between the last two /
. Where the last /
is optional. The $
is matching the end of the string.
Your resulting string is then in the first capturing group (because of the ()
) $1
You can test it here
There are many ways to do this. One of them:
var str = '#ls/?folder_path=home/videos/'.replace(/\/$/,'');
alert(str.substr(str.lastIndexOf('/')+1)); //=> videos
Alternative without using replace
var str = '#ls/?folder_path=home/videos/'
,str = str.substr(0,str.length-1)
,str = str.substr(str.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
alert(str); //=> videos
If your data is consistent like this string, this is a simple split based way to retreive your required string:
var str="#ls/?folder_path=home/videos/";
var strArr = str.split("/");
If it always ends with /
then this will works.
var str = '#ls/?folder_path=home/videos/';
var arr = str.split('/');
var index = arr.length-2;
If the last word always enclosed with forward slashes, then you can try this -
or in regex notation