Encryption algorithm published with MSR606 Magnetic Stripe Card Reader/Writer Programmer's Manual
I have the following manual for MSR206 Progammers.
In the given manual,
has been converted to C5B07814954E3E2A and 12345 has been converted to 2B8849EAAF.
The encryption algorithm is stated in Page: 12 and 24.
Please help me figure it out.
I want to write for example "HELLO" in Track 1 and 896 in track 2 and 3.
Manually encoding from ASCII into those hex strings appears to be only necessary if you use the raw write command. It is much easier to use the write command described on page 15 of the PDF, which takes ASCII directly. For your example data, the complete command would be:
0x1b 'w' 0x1b 's' 0x1b 0x01 'H' 'E' 'L' 'L' 'O' 0x1b 0x02 '8' '9' '6' 0x1b 0x03 '8' '9' '6' '?' 0x1c