
How do I make XPath expressions more generic?

I have xpath expressions for a navigation tree which contains some child branches whicjh can be added:




i need to make it generic statement similar to the given below but unable to do it


Can some one shed some light?

Update from comments

I can see 3 child nodes[ div[1] in first expression, div[2] in second expression and div[3] in third expression] so instead of writing till div[100] i want to put it as div[%d] but I am unable to do so

If the values of the id attributes uniquely identify the elements, then a short expression that selects exactly all these three a elements is:

//div[@id='gwt-uid-17' or @id='gwt-uid-58' or @id='gwt-uid-83']/a

However, evaluating the // abbreviation can be very inefficient and is not recommended.

A single XPath expression that select these three a elements and will be more efficient is:

   /div/div[2]/div/div/div/div[3]/div/div[not(position() >3)]/div[1]
     /div[@id='gwt-uid-17' or @id='gwt-uid-58' or @id='gwt-uid-83']/a

Assuming that this is valid XHTML, and that id is actually a unique identifier, you don't need any of the hierarchy above the specified divs, and can use an XPath expressions like this:


Depending on your language binding, you can also use variables in your XPath expressions, so could use a generic expression like this:


All you need is the shortest expression that uniquely identifies the node(s) you want. For example, the expression


is equivalent to the first line above, because ids are unique (supposedly).

If you want to target links under the "Situation" link, you can try


but I'd need to see the XML to know if that's correct.





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