Eclipse - cancel automatic switch to debug view
Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Activate the debug view when a breakpoint is hit
Also go to
Window -> Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Perspectives
And select either "never" or "prompt" in "Open associated perspective..."
In your question you speak of a debug 'view', but I think you are actually referring to the debug 'perspective'. If not, just disregard my answer.
To stop Eclipse from switching to the Debug perspective when a breakpoint is hit:
Window -> Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Perspectives -> 'Open the associated perspective when an application suspends' -> Never
The Debug View is the window that shows the running application, it's threads and each thread's call stack in a tree view and gives you little 'play', 'pause', 'stop' etc buttons for things like Resume, Suspend, Terminate. I think the option referred to by the accepted answer tells Eclipse whether it should make this view the active view (within whatever perspective is set to open in debug mode) when a breakpoint is hit. Probably you do want that to be enabled...