
presentModalViewController:animated not found

In the app开发者_Python百科 I am trying to build, I am trying to use the UIImageController but am running into a bit of a problem. I am not doing this in the ViewController class... Here's the code:

(IBAction) uploadBtn {   
ipc = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; 
ipc.delegate = self;
ipc.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary;

[self presentModalViewController:ipc animated:YES];'

Its giving me a warning with the last line, saying:

Method'- presentModalViewController:animated' not found

I am sure that if I used the ViewController class this would work but is there anything I can do/import that will let me do this in just a UIView class?

Again the app builds, but when I try to click the button it crashes

Thanks in advance!

You're crashing because only UIViewController has that method. You can only present one view controller off of another one.

Have a look at get UIView's viewcontroller (iphone). I think you should rethink your design if you need to access view controller from a UIView.

You could present it from the view's parent view controller:

[[ipc parentViewController] presentModalViewController:yourController animated:yourBool];




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