
Monte carlo on GPU

Today I had a talk with a friend of mine told me he tries to make some monte carlo simulations using GPU. What was interesting he told me that he wanted to draw numbers randomly on different processors and assumed that there were uncorrelated. But they were not.

The question is, whether there exists a method to draw independent sets of numbers on several GPUs? He thought that taking a different seed for each of them would solve the problem开发者_运维技巧, but it does not.

If any clarifications are need please let me know, I will ask him to provide more details.

To generate completely independent random numbers, you need to use a parallel random number generator. Essentially, you choose a single seed and it generates M independent random number streams. So on each of the M GPUs you could then generate random numbers from independent streams.

When dealing with multiple GPUs you need to be aware that you want:

  • independent streams within GPUs (if RNs are generate by each GPU)
  • independent streams between GPUs.

It turns out that generating random numbers on each GPU core is tricky (see this question I asked a while back). When I've been playing about with GPUs and RNs, you only get a speed-up generating random on the GPU if you generate large numbers at once.

Instead, I would generate random numbers on the CPU, since:

  • It's easier and sometimes quicker to generate them on the CPU and transfer across.
  • You can use well tested parallel random number generators
  • The types of off-the shelf random number generators available for GPUs is very limited.
  • Current GPU random number libraries only generate RNs from a small number of distributions.

To answer your question in the comments: What do random numbers depend on?

A very basic random number generator is the linear congruential generator. Although this generator has been surpassed by newer methods, it should give you an idea of how they work. Basically, the ith random number depends on the (i-1) random number. As you point out, if you run two streams long enough, they will overlap. The big problem is, you don't know when they will overlap.

For generating iid uniform variables, you just have to initialize your generators with differents seeds. With Cuda, you may use the NVIDIA Curand Library which implements the Mersenne Twister generator.

For example, the following code executed by 100 kernels in parallel, will draw 10 sample of a (R^10)-uniform

__global__ void setup_kernel(curandState *state,int pseed)
    int id =  blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int seed = id%10+pseed;

    /* 10 differents seed for uncorrelated rv, 
    a different sequence number,    no offset */
    curand_init(seed, id, 0, &state[id]);

If you take any ``good'' generator (e.g. Mersenne Twister etc), two sequences with different random seeds will be uncorrelated, be it on GPU or CPU. Hence I'm not sure what you mean by saying taking different seeds on different GPUs were not enough. Would you elaborate?





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