
HTML to PDF in ASP.NET [closed]

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In an ASP.NET project I need to generate a PDF for the user to download which is made from HTML. That HTML has img's in it too, which need to be embedded. It would also be great if links are clickable.

Now i've tried a whole range of different product demo's, and they all either don't work, are classic ASP, or are horridly expensive.

This is for a commercial application.

The most promising (although expensive) looked like http://www.websupergoo.com/abcpdf-1.htm but the example code from HTML to PDF (found here: http://www.websupergoo.com/helppdf8net/source/5-abcp开发者_开发问答df6/doc/1-methods/addimagetochain.htm)crashes IIS, on every page I try, with a very generic error message.

Please can someone suggest a product for this. I can't run an CMD line app on the server unfortunately, so it does have to be just a dll that I stick in.

My colleague found Evo PDF, http://www.evopdf.com/. We've used it successfully to generate PDFs from HTML, with images, clickable links, and a multitude of other features. I think that it uses the Webkit rendering engine. It's a .NET library that sits on your server. Very easy to use and excellent reproduction.

This looks promissing: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfizer/ Not from personal experience, but I see some recommendations, and best of all - it's free :) And a code example: http://www.devtoolshed.com/content/c-free-component-generate-pdf-convert-html-pdf

I have personally worked on this product, which has been optimised for server based environments and works via a web services based interface. It can convert other formats as well and includes a strong watermarking and PDF Security engine.





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