Drop oldest partition automatically in oracle 11G
I have a requirement to drop partition from an interval partitioned table, if the partition is older than three months.开发者_高级运维
Is there a oracle utility/function to do this? Or if not, how to implement this? Please guide me.
Database version: Oracle 11G
I don't know of any oracle utility or function to do this. You can find the information you need to write your own program to do this in the DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS or ALL_TAB_PARTITIONS views, similar to the following:
TABLE_NAME = strTable
where strSchema and strTable are the schema and table you're interested in. HIGH_VALUE is a LONG field which contains the code for a call to the TO_DATE function (assuming your table is partitioned on a date field); you'll need to assign HIGH_VALUE to a LONG field, then assign the LONG to a VARCHAR2 in order to get the value somewhere it can be manipulated, in a manner similar to:
lHigh_value LONG;
strDate_clause VARCHAR2(100);
lHigh_value := aRow.HIGH_VALUE;
strDate_clause := lHigh_value;
Then you just need to extract the appropriate fields from the DATE clause in order to determine which partitions you need to drop.
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This is wonky and inelegant, but it does work for casting the VALUES LESS THAN some_date
expression in DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS, at least for range partitioning, including interval partitioning, in 10g and 11g. Inspired by Tom Kyte's "Evaluate Expression" question. Your mileage may vary.
l_hival varchar2(4000);
l_sql varchar2(4000);
l_high_date date;
l_cursor integer default dbms_sql.open_cursor;
l_rows_back number;
-- partition position = 1 always grabs the "oldest" partition
select high_value
into l_hival
from dba_tab_partitions
where table_name = <my_range_partitioned_table>
and partition_position = 1;
dbms_sql.parse (l_cursor,
'begin :retval := ' || l_hival || '; end;',
dbms_sql.bind_variable (l_cursor, ':retval', l_high_date);
l_rows_back := dbms_sql.execute (l_cursor);
dbms_sql.variable_value (l_cursor, ':retval', l_high_date);
dbms_output.put_line (to_char(l_high_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd-hh24.mi.ss'));
As it's PL/SQL, it could be encapsulated into a function to return the "high value" for any partitioned table passed in as arguments.
I too are interested if there is an automatic solution in 11g.
In older versions, I use one of two approaches:
Sticking to a strict name standard for partition names, for example
(for january and february 2011), enables you to extract relevant data fromALL_TAB_PARTITIONS
and then you can drop whatever partition is the oldest.Suck it up and use a tiny metadata table with one column for partition_name and one correctly typed column for the time period (whether it's date, week, month, bimonthly, yearly, retail weeks). Then I select the oldest time period and drop the associated partition.
This isn't "full automatisch", but it makes automation easier.