Convert Select with Join to Update
I have a query:
SELECT t.*, tb.Upd开发者_如何转开发ateDate
FROM #tempBuildings tb INNER JOIN Buildings b ON b.BuildingID = tb.BuildingID
INNER JOIN @tmp t ON t.ID = b.InvestmentId
I know it's hard to understand what is here, but in few words: I have table with buildings, and in #tempBuildings I'm counting date of update.
It's not my idea , but I must add to output one column.
So in temp table @tmp I've added this column , and I must this select query convert to update query foreach row I must do something like:
update @tmp set @tmp.UpdateDate=tb.UpdateDate
I'm sorry for luck of clarity but construction of this queries is incredible.
I'm using sql-server-2005
doesn't this work?
UPDATE t set t.UpdateDate=tb.UpdateDate
FROM #tempBuildings tb
INNER JOIN Buildings b ON b.BuildingID = tb.BuildingID
INNER JOIN @tmp t ON t.ID = b.InvestmentId
update t
set t.UpdateDate = tb.UpdateDate
FROM #tempBuildings tb
INNER JOIN Buildings b ON b.BuildingID = tb.BuildingID
INNER JOIN @tmp t ON t.ID = b.InvestmentId