
Accessing <iframe> for content on Etherpad using jQuery

I am trying to build a typographical chrome plguin for EtherPad sites. Problem is I don't know how to remove inline css of <body> in iframe within an iframe on etherpad using jQuery

If you open an etherpad doc, let's say on http://typewith.me, there is html that goes like:

<body id="innerdoc开发者_如何学编程body" class="syntax safari authorColors doesWrap" spellcheck="false" contenteditable="true" style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px; ">

I just need to remove style attribute using jQuery. (I am a CSS guy, new to jQuery)

$('body', $('iframe#yourIframeID').contentDocument).removeAttr('style');

If you need to run a content script inside iframes you need to enable all_frames flag in the manifest. More about it here.

Just wrote a quick function that will do a getElementById in all the iframes in the document, recursively, and return the first one it finds.

function getElementByIdInFrames(id, base) {
  var el;
  if(el = base.document.getElementById(id)) {
    return el;

  for(var i = 0, len = base.frames.length; i < len; i++) {
    if(el = getElementByIdInFrames(id, base.frames[i])) {
      return el;

With this, you can use the following code to remove the styleAttribute from #innerdocbody

getElementByIdInFrames("innerdocbody", window).removeAttribute('style');




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