
Read Gedcom file and store in Database

I want to read a Gedcom 开发者_StackOverflow中文版file and store in sql server . GEDCOM is a file format which allows genealogy files to be shared between different genealogy software applications. GEDCOM stands for GEnealogical Data COMmunications.

Can any one help me on this issue ???

One easy way I've found to query GEDCOM data in SQLServer is to use the import / export features that come with The Master Genealogist application. The Master Genealogist lets you export data to csv. Once you have the data in csv you can then use the Data Transformation Services wizards of SQLServer to import it.

I've certainly had success exporting data from The Master Genealogist into SQLServer but have not as yet tested the GEDCOM import feature.

Otherwise, you could always checkout the GenealogyJ codebase and take a look at the GEDCOM reader there. If java is not to your liking try the perl Gedcom module instead.

first, convert gedcom in Gedcom XML after http://msdn.microsoft.com/hi-in/magazine/cc188730%28en-us%29.aspx

Oxy-Gen is a tool that allows you to convert to the following formats :

  • HTML (Browser display)
  • CSV (Excel, Open Office, ...)
  • SQL (Oracle)
  • MySQL (PHP)
  • XML (machine 2 machine)

If you don't need automatic import/export features, this tool should suit your needs.

If you do need automatic import/export features, you might want to look for a GEDCOM parsing library in the programming language of your choice.





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