
how to insert the actual or current filename (the name of the file I'm working saved in a folder) in .tex or latex document? [closed]

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how to insert the actual or current filename (the name of the file saved in a folder) in .tex or latex document? In Writer (OpenOffice) is normal to use it in a foot or header document, but in .tex documents is there a way to do it? I need it to print it in the foot. Thanks

You can use the currfile package.

Here is how you put the current file name generically into a document:




The current file is: \currfilename.\\


Here is how you put the current file name in the footer:



\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}  %get rid of header
\fancyfoot[L]{\currfilename} %put current file in footer

\thispagestyle{fancy}% sets the current page style to 'fancy'

Your text goes here.\\


Using footnote ...

\let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{\tiny{This is the last page of \jobname.pdf}}




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