How to identify the javascript canvas library
How to identify the javascript canvas library used by a certain website? (e.g. process开发者_JS百科ingjs or ...)
Well, install firebug. On the net
tab, and js
subtab, you will find all the library loaded. And also install library-detector
add-on to determine which library is used.
And make sure, net
is enabled.
View source or use firebug to view the included scripts. If you see 'processing.js', for example, it may be used. If you don't see it, well, it still may be used.
You have to dig into the included scripts to be sure.
Loos like IXL uses YUI to for general javascript utilities/DOM help/namespacing. As far as I can tell, no canvas library was used -- basic shapes aren't that hard to draw with canvas.