What are all the common ways to read a file in Ruby?
What are all the common ways to read a file in Ruby?
For instance, here is one method:
fileObj = File.new($fileName, "r")
while (line = fileObj.gets)
I know Ruby is extremely 开发者_StackOverflow社区flexible. What are the benefits/drawbacks of each approach?
The easiest way if the file isn't too long is:
puts File.read(file_name)
Indeed, IO.read
or File.read
automatically close the file, so there is no need to use File.open
with a block.
File.open("my/file/path", "r") do |f|
f.each_line do |line|
puts line
# File is closed automatically at end of block
It is also possible to explicitly close file after as above (pass a block to open
closes it for you):
f = File.open("my/file/path", "r")
f.each_line do |line|
puts line
Be wary of "slurping" files. That's when you read the entire file into memory at once.
The problem is that it doesn't scale well. You could be developing code with a reasonably sized file, then put it into production and suddenly find you're trying to read files measuring in gigabytes, and your host is freezing up as it tries to read and allocate memory.
Line-by-line I/O is very fast, and almost always as effective as slurping. It's surprisingly fast actually.
I like to use:
IO.foreach("testfile") { |x| print "GOT ", x }
File.foreach('testfile') { |x| print "GOT", x }
File inherits from IO, and foreach
is in IO, so you can use either.
I have some benchmarks showing the impact of trying to read big files via read
vs. line-by-line I/O at "https://stackoverflow.com/q/25189262/128421".
You can read the file all at once:
content = File.readlines 'file.txt'
content.each_with_index{|line, i| puts "#{i+1}: #{line}"}
When the file is large, or may be large, it is usually better to process it line-by-line:
File.foreach( 'file.txt' ) do |line|
puts line
Sometimes you want access to the file handle though or control the reads yourself:
File.open( 'file.txt' ) do |f|
loop do
break if not line = f.gets
puts "#{f.lineno}: #{line}"
In case of binary files, you may specify a nil-separator and a block size, like so:
File.open('file.bin', 'rb') do |f|
loop do
break if not buf = f.gets(nil, 80)
puts buf.unpack('H*')
Finally you can do it without a block, for example when processing multiple files simultaneously. In that case the file must be explicitly closed (improved as per comment of @antinome):
f = File.open 'file.txt'
while line = f.gets
puts line
References: File API and the IO API.
One simple method is to use readlines
my_array = IO.readlines('filename.txt')
Each line in the input file will be an entry in the array. The method handles opening and closing the file for you.
file_content = File.read('filename with extension');
puts file_content;
I usually do this:
open(path_in_string, &:read)
This will give you the whole text as a string object. It works only under Ruby 1.9.
return last n lines from your_file.log or .txt
path = File.join(Rails.root, 'your_folder','your_file.log')
last_100_lines = `tail -n 100 #{path}`
if the file is small (slurping):
puts File.read("filename.txt")
if the file is big (streaming):
File.foreach("filename.txt") { |line| puts line }
An even more efficient way is streaming by asking the operating system’s kernel to open a file, then read bytes from it bit by bit. When reading a file per line in Ruby, data is taken from the file 512 bytes at a time and split up in “lines” after that.
By buffering the file’s content, the number of I/O calls is reduced while dividing the file in logical chunks.
Add this class to your app as a service object:
class MyIO
def initialize(filename)
fd = IO.sysopen(filename)
@io = IO.new(fd)
@buffer = ""
def each(&block)
@buffer << @io.sysread(512) until @buffer.include?($/)
line, @buffer = @buffer.split($/, 2)
rescue EOFError
Call it and pass the :each
method a block:
filename = './somewhere/large-file-4gb.txt'
MyIO.new(filename).each{|x| puts x }
Read about it here in this detailed post:
Ruby Magic Slurping & Streaming Files By AppSignal
content = `cat file`
I think this method is the most "uncommon" one. Maybe it is kind of tricky, but it works if cat
is installed.