
Anyone know how to test an entire String for a match using Java regex?

I would like to search a String for an entire match. In other words, if String s = "I am coding", and I type in that I am searching for "am" nothing should get returned. I need the exact String in order to get a match. In other words, I would have to type in"I am coding" exactly in order for a match to be returned. 开发者_高级运维

I need the regex pattern for this, since I am using RowFiler.regexFilter(...).

Have you tried this: ^I am coding$?

The regex, if it doesn't contain characters to escape is as what you are looking for: any character maches for itself and two next characters means concatenation. So, in this case, "\AI am coding\z" is your answer..

On the Regex side of things:

using the start of string anchor ^ and end of string anchor $ at the beginning and the end of your search pattern (respectively) to ensure that the search string doesn't contain anything else (i.e. it equals the pattern you're trying to match. Regex:

^I am Coding$

Ref: http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/misc/RegEx-QuickRef.htm





验证码 换一张
取 消

