I get the following error with CSV in (Rails3, ruby 1.9.2p0, ubuntu)
when i use CSV.generate { |csv| ... } i get the error
error in generate - worng number of arguements(0 for 1)
when i use CSV.generate({}) { |csv| ... } i get the error
TypeError cant conv开发者_如何学Goert hash into string
please, can you help me with the soluton for this.
code i used
csv_data = CSV.generate do |csv| csv << [ "S_No", "User ID", "Password" ]
@password_array.each do |password| csv << [ @user_name, @user_id, @password] end
The CSV.generate method expects a string as the first argument. It can be an empty string if you want, so try this:
csv_data = CSV.generate("") { |csv| ... }
For more information, read the documentation of the Ruby CSV class.