Change Text in Visual Studio using Regular Expressions
As you might know,Visual Studio's Find and Replace feature allows us to use Regular Expression but I don't know how to change something like this :
to this one :
There are too much code like this on the page and changing them one by one is a big hassle.
Thanks in advance..
This doesn't look like a very good candidate for regular expressions, as those are used to find/replace patterns. Deriving a pattern from this text would probably be a waste of time.
I'd just do this:
string s = "...some text...";
string toBeReplaced = "Math.round((document.getElementById('selectedproductPrixdock').value*document.getElementById('addxdock').value)*100)/100";
string replacement = "(" + toBeReplaced + ").toFixed(2)";
string result = s.Replace(toBeReplaced, replacement);
After re-reading your question, knowing each individual ID would make that tougher. Here's a Regex that should work:
string s = "...some text...";
string result = Regex.Replace(s, @"Math\.round\(\(document\.getElementById\('.+'\)\.value*document\.getElementById\('.+'\).value\)*100\)/100", "($0).toFixed(2)");
How similar are the things you're trying to match?
If they're all identical except for the inner arguments, then
Replacing $1 and $2 with whatever VS uses to fill in backreferences.
I think you're asking too much of regex in general.
In related news, you would likely have an easier time refactoring if you didn't pack fifty instructions into a single line.