
Powershell - Adding computers to a security group in Active Directory

How can I add multiple computer accounts from with开发者_开发技巧in a text file into a security group in Active Directory? I put this snippet of code together but it only works with user accounts.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

Get-Content C:\Servers.txt | Foreach-Object {Add-ADGroupMember "WSUS Auto Download and Notify for Install" $_}

The command you are looking for is Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership.

Get-Content c:\servers.txt | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMember -memberof 'WSUS Auto Download and Notify for Install'

If you need to add the "$" at the end of the computer name, your command could use a scriptblock parameter (an anoymous function that can modify pipeline input).

Get-Content c:\servers.txt | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMember -memberof 'WSUS Auto Download and Notify for Install' -identity {"$_$"}

I use -Identity $_.objectGUID

$_$ didn't work for me.

EDIT: Ah, sorry, that's because I use Get-ADComputer to pipe it, and not a text file.

I had similar task found info on this link worked for me,

Run it in powershell as admin

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$List=Get-Content c:\computers.txt
$List | foreach {Add-ADGroupMember -id ADGroupName -MEMBERS (Get-ADComputer $_)




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