
Having trouble hiding/disabling elements when using timeouts

I'm trying to disable a button, hide a select list & show some text once a button is clicked... because of how long the javascript can take I am using timeouts to prevent the browser locking & the browser ending it prematurely or presenting a warning... however the code I have doesn't seem to be hiding/disabling/showing the elements once the button is clicked.

Edit: I have confirmed that the elements ARE getting hidden & then reshown, however they are being reshown too early.... the javascript hasn't finished doing what it's doing & they are reshown almost instantly after they are hidden.

Edit 2: Fixed it by moving the code that reshows the select list etc from the "addCatsSICMain" function to the "addCatsSIC" function as so..

if (spot < cats.options.length) {    
    other code here...
} else {
    reshow select list etc code here

Here is the code:

This first function is the one that is called once the button is clicked.

function addCatsSICMain() {

    // Set elements
    var addBtn = document.getElementById('add');
    var cat_sel = document.getElementById('cat_sic_sel_wrapper');
    var addWait = document.getElementById('addWait');

    // Disable add button
    addBtn.disabled = true;

    // Hide selected list
    cat_sel.style.display = 'none';

    // Show waiting text
    addWait.style.display = 'block';

    // Use a timeout function so button can be hid/show when we want successfully & not on function completion


        // Add selected cats

        // Reshow selected list, reenable add button & hide wwaiting text
        addWait.style.display = 'none';
        cat_sel.style.display = 'block';
        addBtn.disabled = false;

    }, 10);


function addCatsSIC(spot) {

    // Set the search results box
    var cats = document.getElementById('cat_sic_list');

    // Set the selected categories list that we are adding to..
    var sel_cats = document.getElementById('cat_sic_sel'); 

    // Set selcted counter var
    var sel_count = 0;

    // Set category add failed var
    var failed = 0;

    // Set batch size for looping
    var batchSize = 50;    

    // Still more to do?

    if (spot < cats.options.length) {    

        // Loop through categories from the search results select box

        for (var i = spot; i < spot + batchSize && i < cats.options.length; i++) {

            // Check if the cat is selected

            if (cats.options[i].selected == true) {

                // Set this category's values to some variables
                var cat_id = cats.options[i].getAttribute('value');
                var cat_name = cats.options[i].text;     

                if (checkCatSICAdd(cat_id) === false) {           

                    // Now we create the new element
                    var new_option = document.createElement('option');

                    // Add attribute

                    // Create text node
                    var new_text_node = document.createTextNode(cat_name);

                    // Append new text node to new option element we created

                    开发者_StackOverflow社区// Append new option tag to select list

                } else {



        var nextBitOfWork = function() { addCatsSIC(spot + batchSize) };

        // Hand control back to the browser so it can update the page & not timeout & then restart the function
        setTimeout(nextBitOfWork, 50);


    if (failed > 0) {

        // Find out if more than 2 cats were selected

        for (var i = 0; i < cats.options.length; i++) {
            if (cats.options[i].selected == true) {
            if (sel_count == 2) {

        // Give them an alert they have added that category already



Any reason why you are not using jQuery for this. You can disable button, hide select box and show elements by doing the following

$('button').click(function() {
    $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');

check working example at http://jsfiddle.net/N697c/1/

Fixed it by moving the code that reshows the select list etc from the "addCatsSICMain" function to the "addCatsSIC" function as so..

if (spot < cats.options.length) {    
    other code here...
} else {
    reshow select list etc code here...




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