How to check if a user is logged into facebook using his access_token and graph api
I have a facebook iframe application. I am doing开发者_Python百科 my requests to facebook on server side using the graph api. I have offline access so the access_token never expires.
I would like to know if the current user is logged into facebook so when he logs out of facebook i can log him out of my application. I do not want to use the javascript sdk.
I have tried using the online_presence field of the user table but that always returns null. Is there any way i can do this?
Is there a better way about it?
You need another permission, user_online_presence. Taken from the permissions list in the Facebook dev pages:
I needed the same thing for my application. As far as I saw, there's no official way to check if a user is logged in, such as a checkToken() method. What I do is a quick pull of his profile and see if I get a response. Even your offline_access token will become invalid if the user logs out of Facebook as far as I know.
Its late to reply, but now in version 4.25.0
of Facebook SDK
there is a method:
public void retrieveLoginStatus(Context context,
LoginStatusCallback responseCallback)
Which states:
Retrieves the login status for the user. This will return an access token for the app if a user is logged into the Facebook for Android app on the same device and that user had previously logged into the app. If an access token was retrieved then a toast will be shown telling the user that they have been logged in.
And can be used like:
LoginManager.getInstance().retrieveLoginStatus( this, new LoginStatusCallback()
public void onCompleted( AccessToken accessToken )
GraphRequest request = GraphRequest.newMeRequest( accessToken, new GraphRequest.GraphJSONObjectCallback()
public void onCompleted( JSONObject object, GraphResponse response )
Log.e( TAG, object.toString() );
Log.e( TAG, response.toString() );
userId = object.getString( "id" );
profilePicture = new URL( "" + userId + "/picture?width=500&height=500" );
Log.d( "PROFILE_URL", "url: " + profilePicture.toString() );
if ( object.has( "first_name" ) )
firstName = object.getString( "first_name" );
if ( object.has( "last_name" ) )
lastName = object.getString( "last_name" );
if ( object.has( "email" ) )
email = object.getString( "email" );
if ( object.has( "birthday" ) )
birthday = object.getString( "birthday" );
if ( object.has( "gender" ) )
gender = object.getString( "gender" );
Intent main = new Intent( LoginActivity.this, MainActivity.class );
main.putExtra( "name", firstName );
main.putExtra( "surname", lastName );
main.putExtra( "imageUrl", profilePicture.toString() );
startActivity( main );
catch ( JSONException e )
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
} );
//Here we put the requested fields to be returned from the JSONObject
Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
parameters.putString( "fields", "id, first_name, last_name, email, birthday, gender" );
request.setParameters( parameters );
public void onFailure()
Toast.makeText( LoginActivity.this, "Could not log in.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();
public void onError( Exception exception )
Toast.makeText( LoginActivity.this, "Could not log in.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();
} );
This was already answered here.