
Params::Validate or Params::Check, why should I prefer the one or the other?

It is hard for me to choose between two perl modules - Params::Validate and Params::Check. I am writing a Mojolicious application which should be easily distributable. Generally I mean something like uploading a directory structure on a shared hosting and be ready to run. Params::Validate is quite powerfull and tought, has Pure-Perl implementation. Params::Check is开发者_开发技巧 in the Perl Core distribution since version 5.10.0 Can you point other "why should I prefer the one or the other"?

Looking through the CPAN bug reports for each of these modules might help you to choose. Currently, Params::Check has no bug reports (it only has one wishlist item), but Params::Validate has a few. Check to see if any bug is relevant to your application.

You could also look at the CPAN Testers platform/version matrix to see if there are any fails on platforms that you would be running on.

Using the Mojo validator probably makes sense. I just want to point out that the author of Params::Validate has shifted towards Params::ValidationCompiler

For now you can use Mojolicious::Validator for validation parameters in Mojo application. http://mojolicio.us/perldoc/Mojolicious/Guides/Rendering#Form-validation





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