Writing text on LaTeX \part page
I was wondering if it is possible to write an introductory text on the page generated by \part{...} in LaTeX?
I have tried to insert text on it, but it will just generate a blank开发者_如何转开发 page before the text.
Regards, Kenneth
You may define own macro \mypart
For example
\par\break % Page break
\vskip .3\vsize % Vertical shift
\refstepcounter{part}% Next part
{\centering\Large Part \thepart.\par}%
\vskip .1\vsize % Vertical shift
% Some text
\vfill\break % Fill the end of page and page break
\part{Main}{Something about main...}
If you are using the memoir class then a simpler (but less general) method is to just redefine the \afterpartskip
I wrote:
in my preamble.
This works because the pagebreak is generated from
in memoir.cls. (It is called from the \partpageend
This method simply removes the \newpage
command, which might be all you want to do.
This solution works without any macro and with a correct entry in the Table of Content
\part[Title for TOC]{Title on part-page
\\ \\
**Additional text on part page**
Another solution for the srcbook class can be found at https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/273340/old-code-to-define-part-in-scrbook-does-not-work-with-tex-live-2014-and-i-need which looks like this (I am citing):
\documentclass[10pt, german, twoside, openright, headings=small, bibliography=totoc, footinclude=false, mpinclude=false, headinclude, captions=tableheading, numbers=noenddot, cleardoublepage=empty, index=totoc
%, draft
\usepackage[latin 1]{inputenc}
Im Teil A dieses Buches soll zunächst anhand konkreter Beispiele aus Natur und Technik gezeigt werden, ...
\part{Einführung in wichtige Aspekte und Phänomene der Strömungsmechanik}