How can I add a flex component programmatically from within a Papervision Class without using this.parent...?
I have a flex application and a papervision BasicView. I would like to add a new flex UIComponent (such as a button) from within the papervision class. I have posted the full example code below. It works but I would like to be able to accomplish my goal without the "(this.parent.parent as Group).addElement(button);" line.
<!--Application MXML-->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="50" minHeight="50"
creationComplete="Init()" applicationComplete="Start()">
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import spark.components.Button;
public var start:QuickStart;
public function Init():void
start = new QuickStart();
var uicomp:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
addElement( uicomp );
uicomp.addChild( start );
public function Start():void
开发者_StackOverflow ]]>
import org.papervision3d.view.BasicView;
public class QuickStart extends BasicView
public function QuickStart()
super(500, 500, true, true);
public function GoTime():void
var button:Button = new Button;
//this is the offending line
(this.parent.parent as Group).addElement(button);
The version I have does work so please excuse any minor typos.
Logically you would dispatch an event inside your BasicView
, listen for it in your main application, and create the button from up there. In a prefect OOP world, every class should be a black box sending events :)