
Getting Started with Avro [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.

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I want to get started with using Avro with Map Reduce. Can Someone suggest a good tutorial / example to get started with. I couldnt find much through the internet search.

I recently did a project that was heavily based on Avro data and not having used this data format before, I had to start from scratch. You are right in that it is rather hard to get much help from online sources when getting started with Avro. The material that I would recommend to you is:

  • By far, the most helpful source that I found was the Avro section (p103-p116) in Tom White's Hadoop: The Definitive Guide book as well as his Github page for the code he uses in the book.
  • For additional code examples I looked at Ron Bodkin's Github page avro-mr-sample.
  • In my case I used Python for reading and writing Avro files and for that I used this tutorial.
  • Even though it is obvious, I will add the link to the Avro Users mailing list. There is a ton of information to be found there and after I had read the above material and implemented a bunch of code, I found myself spending hours looking through the archives.

Finally, my last suggestion to you is to use Avro 1.4.1 with Hadoop 0.20.2 and ONLY that combination. I had some major issues getting my code to run using Hadoop 0.21 and more recent Avro versions.

Other links:

  • JavaDocs are sometimes needed.
  • This InfoQ article may be of some use
  • Avro Serialization

The main problem I see with documentation (little that does exist) is that it focuses on very laborious "generic" approach; which seems odd because it combines worst of both world -- you must still provide full schema for data, but get no benefit from static types or such. The automatic code-generation is more convenient, but less well covered.

https://github.com/apache/avro/blob/trunk/lang/java/mapred avro source code do have examples. e.g. TestReflectJob help me to write map-reduce job using my pre-defined domain objects

Javascript + jQuery : https://codepen.io/GentjanLikaj/pen/dyPXLXX

$( "#btn1" ).click(function() {
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$( "#btn2").click(function() {
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$( "#btn3").click(function() {
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                    type = 'varchar(50)';
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        text ='&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp '+ JSON.stringify(myRows.myRows[i].name).replace('\"',' ').replace('\"',' ') +JSON.stringify(myRows.myRows[i].type).replace('\"',' ').replace('\"',' ')   +", <br>";
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    <h2>Insert the text and the separator and press the button: </h2>
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        <div class="div1"></div>
        <div class="div2 btn btn-alert"></div>
        <div class="div3">
      <textarea name="text" id="text" cols="120" rows="4" placeholder="ColumnName1,ColumName2,ColumName3,ColumName4,............"></textarea>
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        <div class="div6 card">
            <div class="card-header font-weight-bolder">Avro Format</div>
            <div class="card-body" id='avro'>
        <div class="div7 card">
            <div class="card-header font-weight-bolder">SQL Create</div>
            <div class="card-body" id='sql'>





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