Passing 2 strings via the delegate
I'm wondering how I can pass 2 strings through my delegate? I want to pass it from viewcontroller2 (SelectStationViewController) to viewcontroller1 (SubGabViewController).
I have it currently working, just passing 1 string (NSString *test).
Here's the code I have set up:
// in SelectStationViewController.h
@protocol SelectStationViewControllerDelegate;
@interface ... {
开发者_如何学Python id <SelectStationViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, assign) id <SelectStationViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
@protocol SelectStationViewControllerDelegate
- (void)selectStationViewControllerDidFinish:(NSString *)selectedStationName;
// in SelectStationViewController.m
NSString *test = [[copyListOfItems objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:@"hash"];
[delegate selectStationViewControllerDidFinish:test];
// in SubGabViewController.h
// in SubGabViewController.m
// set selectedStationName as currentStationName
- (void)selectStationViewControllerDidFinish:(NSString *)selectedStationName
NSLog(@"selectedStationName is = %@", selectedStationName);
[self setCurrentStationName:selectedStationName];
In order to pass 2 strings to the delegate, would I do something like this?
// in SelectStationViewController.m
NSString *test = [[copyListOfItems objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:@"hash"];
NSString *test2 = [[copyListOfItems objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:@"linehash"];
[delegate selectStationViewControllerDidFinish:test];
[delegate selectLineViewControllerDidFinish:test2];
and then have another function set up like this?
- (void)selectStationViewControllerDidFinish:((NSString *)selectedStationName;
- (void)selectLineViewControllerDidFinish:((NSString *)selectedLineName;
Just write a delegate method in SubGabViewController that gets 2 strings in its params instead of one and call it from SelectStationViewController :
- (void) functionName:(NSString*)str1 string2:(NSString*)str2;
[delegate functionName:stringtogive1 string2:stringtogive2];
That's all folks ;-)
As another option, you could pass an array of strings through your delegate method, like this:
- (void)selectStationViewControllerDidFinish:(NSArray *)selectedStations;
Whether you have one or a hundred values to pass over, they can be passed with this one simple method.