
CodeIgniter 500 server error when uploading to remote host, fine on local

I get a 500 server error when I upload my CodeIgniter files online.

500 Server Error

A misconfiguration on the server caused a hiccup. Check the server logs, fix the problem, then try again.

Locally, it works perfectly. I don't know what's wrong when I upload it.

I updated the config files and everything. What am I doing wrong?

CodeIgniter has a lot of files, so I don't know if there is something specific yo开发者_如何学Pythonu want to see?

This is whats inside the .htaccess file

# Use PHP5 Single php.ini as default
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5s .php

Check your hosting company to make sure they run PHP5 and not PHP4. I had this problem with 1and1.com where you had to change your .htaccess file to force the use of PHP5. That solved my problems.

I realized a bizarre issue. If your version of php is 5.4.3 on an ubuntu server (10.04) and you are using the mysqli extension, you would have problems. enable error reporting in your script to pinpoint the errors. This particular version does not support mysqli





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