
Polymorphic models like rails in Django? [closed]

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In rails, I can declare a开发者_如何学JAVA model :polymorphic => true and that would be enough to make the model be polymorphic.

But how can I create a polymorphic model in Django?

I know it's not simple as rails but I need a introduction for doing it in Django.

similar question here: Double Foreign Key in Django?

Answer is to use the ContentTypes framework in django to achieve polymorphic assocations.

There's a simple app called django-polymorphic-models that enables you to create polymorphic models with a basic downcast function. It works pretty simply, adds a field that stores the content type of the newly created object. Knowing the content type you can get the child model via object.*lowecase_model_name* (django represents inheritance internally via a OneToOneField). If you use django-polymorphic-models a downcast method on the model will give you the child model. Furthermore it adds some similar to methods to the queryset!





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