
Pop up dialog from menu of main parent dialog(MFC)?


I am not able to read the variable from dialog CSettings

I am not sure what is is wrong in this code

void CCStatsDlg::OnClickSettings()

 CSettings dlg;

if (dlg.DoModal () == IDOK)

 //Problem is here I am not getting the expected value

         int m_SampleNumber = dlg.getvalue ();

This i am doing in CCStatsDlg class because i need to process CSettings dialog values here. m_SampleNumber is initialized to 1024 in the CCStatsDlg class constructor.below is the getvalue() in CSettings class

CSettings::CSettings(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
: CDialog(CSettings::IDD, pParent)


  SampleNumber =2048;




void CSettings::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)


DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SAMPLE1, SampleNumber);


int CSettings::getvalue()


   return SampleNumber;


Even if i return 2048 as SampleNumber, m_SampleNumber in CCStatsDlg is not getting which is always 1024 which was initialized in constructor

So please help me out on this. Thanks

to do what you want :
x associate a function to the OnClick event of your Settings menu item (using the tabs of its property windows for example) -> this will generate automatically the function inside the MainFrm.h and .cpp files
x instantiate a member structure, or variables you want to get from your hardware inside your CCStatsDlg class .h and .cpp
x fill your variables inside the OnOK () function of your CCStatsDlg class
x add one or more functions inside your CCStatsDlg .h and .cpp files like :

int GetValue1()

x call your dialogbox with :

    CCStatsDlg dlg ();  
    if dlg.DoModal () == IDOK
       // Here you can get your variables values once OK is clicked inside your dialog box
       int value1 = dlg.GetValue1 ()

Hope this will help

so you need create new CDialog derived window and then show it.

Put this code to on click event:

CMySettingDialog dlg;

Some sample you can find here and here





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