Is there any Javadoc spell checker?
I wonder whether a Javadoc spell checker exists somewhere in open source? Would be great to have it pluggable as Maven plugin, but even a standalone binary di开发者_JAVA技巧stribution will work.
There actually is at least one library that does that: Spell Check Doclet
Plain Javadoc usage:
javadoc ^
-doclet spellcheck.SpellCheckDoclet ^
-classpath "c:\Javasoft\j2sdk1.5.0_06\lib\tools.jar;" ^
-sourcepath "c:\Work\dev" ^
-docletpath ".;c:\Tools\jazzy-0.5.2\jazzy-core.jar" ^
-subpackages "jpdf" ^
-echo on ^
-checkHtmlFiles ^
-dictionary "/Tools/jazzy-0.5.2/dict/english.0" ^
-dictionary "/Tools/jazzy-0.5.2/scowl_dict/american-words.10" ^
-dictionary "/Tools/jazzy-0.5.2/scowl_dict/american-words.20" ^
-dictionary "/Tools/jazzy-0.5.2/scowl_dict/american-words.35" ^
-dictionary "./files/dictionary_java.txt" ^
-dictionary "./files/dictionary_jpdf.txt" ^
-ignoreContaining "_" ^
-ignoreContaining "." ^
-echo off ^
-ignoreFile "./files/ignoreWords_html.txt" ^
-ignoreFile "./files/ignoreWords_gui.txt"
Now you just need to
- install or deploy that library to your local repository
- translate the above parameters to
mojo parameters