
Is there any reason to make POCOs into Model objects?

If I am generating POCO objects from EntityFramework, and using these to go to/from the WCF server, is there any reason to create client-side Models for the Views & ViewModels to use instead of just using the POCOs directly?

Almost all the MVVM examples I have looked at bind straight to the object returned from the WCF service. Is this good practice? Are there arguments that can be made for actually mapping the POCO to a Model and having the Views开发者_开发知识库/ViewModels working with the Model object instead of the POCO?

The main reason I could think of is validation, however since the EF POCOs are partial classes, they can be expanded on to include validation.


Most answers so far have brought up INotifyPropertyChanged as the main reason to build a separate Model. Does your answer change if you are using Self-Tracking entities instead of POCOs which already includes INotifyPropertyChanged? STEs are also partial classes which can be expanded upon to include validation.

Validation is the main reason not to bind directly to a POCO. In addition, if the POCO doesn't already implement INotifyPropertyChanged and other required interfaces, the experience working with the object on the WPF side may be less desirable, and implementing a ViewModel to wrap this makes sense.

Providing a ViewModel to wrap your POCO allows you to encapsulate the logic into ICommand implementations as well as implement required interfaces cleanly.

I disagree only slightly with Reed (an unusual circumstance to be sure). I would NOT implement a ViewModel to wrap the POCO. I would implement a Model class to wrap the POCO and expose the Models to the ViewModel via a Service layer.

The ViewModel's primary job is to appropriately present Model data to the View and react to its requests. The architecture I'm working on for this looks like so:

  • 1 ViewModel for each View
  • The ViewModel calls a Data Service layer object to retrieve Model instances (not to be confused with a WCF service)
  • The Data Service layer issues the appropriate CRUD requests to the backend (this uses WCF, RIA, or RESTful Services for Silverlight but could be ADO.NET or EF directly for WPF).
  • The Data Service uses the returned POCOs to create Model objects.
  • Model objects wrap the POCO object and implement INotifyPropertyChanged. Model objects enforce business rules.

I'm still working through the details but I will be publishing something more concrete in the near future.

My Models accept a WCF object which exposes those properties which I wish to use in my ViewModel. I can then also extend the object as needed. My properties point to the WCF object's property and when I have to send the object back to the WCF service, I don't have to do any more work. The models inherit INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyDataErrorInfo which the DTOs (mentioned here as POCOs) will not have. Your business logic / validaton exists in your Silverlight application and not in your WCF Service.

The View binds to the ViewModel which has a Model (or an observable collection of Models). The Models have a WFCObject which is a DTO (mentioned here as POCO). I use my ViewModel to communicate with the service, MVVM Light has the models communicate with the service / provider - which I don't like.

Bind to EF POCOs if you want to do simple CRUD or you want to make something fast.

Otherwise, your server-side models will tend to be very closely related to the database, which changes very slowly, as compared to user interface. For less trivial UI, you'll find yourself putting more and more kludges just to fit your database model into UI (or otherwise, which is even worse).

Also, there are performance issues (e.g. would you like to transmit whole entity when for UI you need only couple of properties?), and maintenance issues (e.g. if you would like to validate premium customer's order quite differently from ordinary one).

See also http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2010/08/06/data-access-is-contextual-a-generic-approach-will-fail.aspx

Rachel's POCO's are just dumb objects generated by EF and used for transport (DTO). Therefore, they shouldn't have other things cluttering up their domain. This is a very nice way of designing your code because it decouples any client-side requirements from those on the server-side. That's why MVVM exists - to extend the MVC model incorporating those concerns.

There is no reason you can't bind to them in your views as long as you are not modifying them directly. You can add functionality to them by adding a partial class but I wouldn't even do that. In that case you should follow the MVVM design tenants and separate those into model objects that serve your needs in the client. This will be quite automated once you hook up INotifyPropertyChanged events to notify your views.





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