
vb.net - For Each (of the first 9 items) s In groupings

I have the following line:

For Each s In groupings

What I want to do is get the first 9 items from groupings.

I tried Fo开发者_如何学Cr 0 to 8 s In groupings but this didn't work.

Any ideas?

Use Take:

For Each s In groupings.Take(9)

This will return the first 9 elements in groupings, i.e. indexes 0 to 8.

Update because of your question in the comments:

To get the items at positions 5 to 9, do this:

For Each s In groupings.Skip(5).Take(5)

This will skip the first 5 elements, i.e. indexes 0 to 4 and return the next 5 elements, i.e. indexes 5 to 9.

I would go with Daniel Hilgarth answer, but just for your information, the way you're trying to do would look like this :

For i as integer = 0 to 8
   dim s = groupings(i)
Next i

Have a counter initialized to 0

For Each s In groupings
    counter =counter+1
    If counter=9 Then
    Exit For

(check it, I forgot the syntax)





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