Js.erb renders only once
I have a Vote button in a hidden Div which is loaded using pirobox.The triggering link is :
<div class="inliner"><a href="#vid_<%=c.id%>" rel="inline-1000-500" class="pirobox_gall1"><h5><%=c.title%></h5></a></div>
and in the hidden div, i have the following for my vote button:
<%=button_to 'Vote',vote_path(:format=>:js,:id=>c.id),:remote=>true%>
and in the controller i have:
def vote
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render 开发者_运维百科:layout=>false }
finally in my js.erb, i have: $('p#success_<%=@video.id%>').fadeIn('slow').delay(1000).fadeOut('slow');
when the trigger link is clicked, the pirobox is loaded with the hidden contents.When i click vote button, the vote is incremented and also the js.erb file is rendered.Everything works fine. But,now i close the pirobox popup.Then trigger it again and click the vote button.The Vote field is incremented, but the js.erb is not rendered :( How should i fix this?
Let's clean a little your code;
Your button:
<%= button_to 'Vote', vote_path(c), :remote => true %>
Your controller:
def vote
@video = Video.find(params[:id])
your js:
$('#success_<%= @video.id %>').fadeIn('slow').delay(1000).fadeOut('slow');
Now run Firebug
and trace your ajax calls via cosole