dynamically map array items to java.reflect.Field objects
I need to write code that simulates having a user-defined number of fields available in a class at runtime. The idea being to be able to return java.reflect.Field objects pointing to those "dynamic" fields to client-开发者_开发百科code.
class DynamicFieldClass {
* fieldNames is the list of names of the fields we want to "exist" in the class
* they will all be of the same type (say String)
public DynamicFieldClass(List<String> fieldNames) {
// ... what do we do here
public Field getFieldObjectFor(String desiredFieldName) {
// ... what do we do here
Is there something similar to DynamicProxy (but for fields)? Thanks
I ended up using Javassist to : - create a new class definition at runtime that inherits from my original class - inject the fields I needed into the new class definition
I also replaced the public constructor by a static factory method that makes and returns an instance of the new class definition. All in all, the code looks like this:
class DynamicFieldClass {
protected DynamicFieldClass() {
public Field getFieldObjectFor(String desiredFieldName) {
return null;
* fieldNames is the list of names of the fields we want to "exist" in the class
* they will all be of the same type (say String)
public static createInstance (List<String> fieldNames) {
ClassPool defaultClassPool = ClassPool.getDefault();
CtClass originalClass = defaultClassPool.get("DynamicFieldClass");
CtClass newClass = defaultClassPool.makeClass("modified_DynamicFieldClass", originalClass);
StringBuilder getterCore = new StringBuilder();
for (String item : fieldNames) {
CtField addedField = CtField.make(String.format("private String %s;", item), newClass);
getterCore.append(String.format("if \"%s\".equals(%1) { return this.class.getDeclaredField(%s);}", item, item));
getterCore.append("throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown field name: \" + $1);");
final String sourceGeneralGetter = String.format("{%s}", getterCore.toString());
CtMethod mold = originalClass.getDeclaredMethod("getFieldObjectFor");
CtMethod copiedMeth = CtNewMethod.copy(mold, newClass, null);
CtMethod getMeth = newClass.getDeclaredMethod("getFieldObjectFor");
CtConstructor defaultCtor = new CtConstructor(new CtClass[0], newClass);
Class modifiedClass = newClass.toClass();
return modifiedClass.newInstance();