Excel Macro : How to get notification when a VBA script stops execution
I am running a macro on a remote PC which executes every 5 seconds throughout the day.
Now I want th开发者_如何学运维at if something goes wrong and the macro stops execution I should be informed or notified via an Email.
How can I do that?
Error handling.
Sub MySub()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' Work done here...
' Screen for an expected error
If somethingWentWrong = True Then
Err.Raise Number:=myErrorNumber, Source:="MySub", _
Description:="This thing went wrong."
' Will now go to ErrorHandler
End If
' More work done here...
On Error Resume Next
'Cleanup code goes here...
Exit Sub
' If an error occurs (anticipated or not), the following will be executed.
Call SendEmailNotification( _
Recipient:="you@there.com", _
Subject:="Something went wrong.", _
Message:=Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf & Err.Source)
' Any other error handling goes here...
Resume ExitProcedure
End Sub
To send an e-mail, there are various solutions out there. Search for CDO, MAPI, Sockmail. Searching on those will give you examples for how to write your SendEmailNotification
sub. Heads up: None of these are exactly straightforward.
You can add a mail send functionality within your error handling. If the machine the macro is being executed has Outlook properly set, I believe you can use ActiveWorkbook.SendMail.
If this PC doesn't have the Outlook set, you'll need to find out for a mail solution that fits your environment.
It would then looks like:
Sub MySub()
On Error GoTo ProcError
'Your stuff
Exit Sub
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail "your.mail@yourdomain.com", "Application failed!"
Resume ProcExit
End Sub