Anchoring/docking behavior in WPF on Canvas layout
I am arranging quite freely a lot of elements on a Canvas layout, in fact the elements represent an interactive flow-chart. As transformations are applied, I need relative transformations on some of the elements.
Especially I require some elements being anchored or docked to their parent elements. I found different solutions, however I don't know if they solve my problem in the most elegant way.
Here is an example:
<Line X1="80" X2="800" Y1="730" Y2="730"/>
<Polygon Points="0,30 40,0 40,60" Canvas.Left="48" Canvas.Top="700"/>
The Polygon draws a triangle and I would like to let it dock on the left side of line. Which means, when translating the line to a new position or when scaling it down, the Polygon should move with it.
Is this possible?
put them in a canvas of their own, that way you can position the outer canvas absolutely and keep the inner stuff together.
like this:
<Line X1="60" X2="820" Y1="60" Y2="760"> <!--some other line--> </Line>
<Canvas Canvas.Left="48" Canvas.Top="700">
<Polygon Points="0,30 40,0 40,60"/>
<Line X1="32" X2="752" Y1="30" Y2="30"/>