PHP- Auto fill the data when ID is provided
I have two forms here. Registration and Payment. In the registration form i have fields hosteladmissionnumber,student name,sex,semester,branch.etc.. and in the Payment form,I have hosteladmissionnumber,Demand Draft number,DD date,Bank Name etc...
The question here is: When i enter the hosteladmissionnumber in payment form, it must display the Text boxes of studentname,semester,Branch(only 3 fields) from the registration table in my database.How can i do this? Any suggestions? Do i really need to do this with three text boxes or is there any alternate way? Im using PHP as frontend and Mysql as Backend.
For payment part, the code is:(PHP)
开发者_开发技巧 $room=$_POST['roomamount'];
die('Unable to connect'.mysql_error());
if(isset($sem)&&isset($dd)&&isset($bname)&&isset($dddate)&&isset($mess)&& isset($room)&&isset($receipt))
$r1="INSERT INTO payment(hosteladmissionno,semester,ddno,ddamount,bankname,dddate,messamount,roomamount,receiptnumber)
VALUES ($hostad','$sem','$ddno','$dd','$bname','$dddate','$mess','$room','$receipt')";
$r2="UPDATE registration SET status_flag=1 WHERE hosteladmissionno='$hostad'";
// echo 'hello("',$rollnumber,'");', "\n";
echo "<script language='javascript'>alert('Successfuly Paid');</script>"; }
You need AJAX for this. You can dynamicaly.
See this example or this.
AJAX tutorial ->
I guess, it more logical problem than technical.
Find the student by student by
, I guess that is going to be primary key.Show the student information on Payment Form.
use jquery ajax.
function getstudent(element)
var id = $(this).val();
url: 'yoururl.php',
data: { 'id' : id}, //send id
success: function(data) {
//parse the result
//and display success function
//also get the student info and display
//it on other text value
dataType: 'json' //also can be xml
<input name="hosteladmissionno" id="admissionno" onblur="getstudent(this);"/>
<input name="stu_name" id="stu_name" type="text"/>
you can use AJAX. you can download jquery from this link
you can use jquery and java script code simultaneously without any problem.
Include downloaded jquery file same as java script file